Sunday 9 June 2013

I love you mummy!

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo I know I know the times in between each blog is getting longer and longer but I have to say I have been having a horrendous time with my Fibro recently but ....have no fear I am not going to talk about it on here I have set up a new blog just for my struggles to save your weary ears feel free to join if you really don't mind me moaning constantly !!


My son hmmm I have had to endure a few weeks away in a Travelodge, mainly because he had to take his IGCSEs in Milton Keynes but also because I'd be unable to do the drive.

Now has anyone travelled with a teenager alone before? Unlike younger children with the constant wee stops and choruses of "are we there yet". A teenager will just look at you as if you have purple antlers and have painted pink spots across your forehead. My crime ????????? singing in the car on the way down to Milton Keynes My
son has been home schooled since we moved back from Norfolk and finding somewhere to take his exams has been a near impossible feat, until we found a school in Milton Keynes that would allow him (for a large fee) to take his IGCE's there. As you know (as I've been going on about it for so long now) I'm not that well so driving let alone long distance is not easy for me. An hours drive feels like a 10 hour drive to me with no break and the muscles in my arms ache from holding onto the steering wheel. Imagine never lifting weights before and deciding to do 1000 lifts that's how my arms feel after driving.Anyway NO moaning back to the drive, so the look my son was giving me was for singing in the car. Now anyone with a teenager will know its hard to get a conversation out of them (lots of grunts and one words) so the radio goes on and its Magic (not magic wow but the radio channel). Lots of tunes from my yesteryear, singing along merrily.
Son "can you not sing, i'm trying to revise"
Me "sorry baby of course"
I didn't realise how hard that would be. After each song finishes ( and I didn't sing) I start singing that last song in full to the shame of my son.
Son "mum"
Me "OK sorry sorry"
aaargh then I started humming ( I thought I was doing it quietly).
Then the worse song ever came on The Carpenters my mum had all their albums and my youth was spent singing in the back room to them (well them and the Nolan sisters but don't tell anyone thaT"

I seriously had to bite my lip   while the song was on  kid you not (if I had a brain i'd have turned the radio off).
So to combat the driving with my illness (and inability to be able to sing in the car) I had the pleasure of living in a Travelodge (idea being child gets to exams on time, less driving for me = more healing time).
What it actually meant was one on one time with my son who I barely see at home as he is forever in his bedroom on the Xbox with that weird thing attached to his head. (apparently as mic).
He even showed me his thumbs and SERIOUSLY i kid you not they are elongated, is it possible to play so much you stretch your thumbs????
   So our conversations have been him talking to me and when I talk back to him he states "mum the tellys on, not know" BUT I was answering him!!
           How hard is life with teenagers nowadays because obviously us parents have never been teenagers before!
But as much as I'm having a laugh here I've actually enjoyed our boding time despite the stress of the exams. He even thinks I'm OK, NOW all I need to do to continue being a cool mum is to learn how to do a collateral shot .
Ps on a footnote taking about exams, son just had a conversation with me on O'levels and how they must have been easier as most of the stuff in my day hadn't even been invented!! I'm soooooooooooooo OLD!!!!

pps take note of the new blog name and webpage name change - escapingtotheseaside not that I am as I can't even tidy the house let alone think about moving but thats just what I do do, mentally anyway but my favourite place in the whole of the UK is Padstow in Cornwall and when we retire (well mine might be early) hubby and me planned to live there but .................... seaside towns have lots of secrets so in the quest to find the perfect one by digging out the treasures with hidden secrets my new blog has been born . Stay tuned..........(and I don't have to leave my bed)


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