Friday, 1 July 2011

Life seems to be nothing but a succession of busy nothings - Jane Austin

Well its been a few days now since my last blog and i've packed ..........................................zilch since then. Now don't blame me i've looked at the tape, the boxes, the pen and yet nothing seems to go into it (scratching head madly here). Now surely there must be some kind of removal fairies 
that just come along pack up the whole house and hey presto. :( guess not! We have our removal firm coming round tomorrow to check that we can fit all our items into a smaller removal van (as the country roads are too small for a 7.5 tonner lol) so I thought to myself, great i'll get the little one off to sleep (check) hubby to work (check) and i'll do ........................ nothing but stare. SERIOUSLY!!!!!!
Its like I have removal block or something. I have eaten 2 bowls of tuna pasta, been on facebook, bid on several dresses on ebay (and no I don't have the money) read my emails several times then repeated the whole cycle except for the bowls of pasta of course :). I just can't get motivated and to top it off I don't think hubby is ever motivated "well I can pack my things into 2 suitcases" hmmm !!!
So i'm sat here in the dark alone, except for the soft breathing (doesn't snore yet phew) of little man and I'm trying my brain is willing but my body is not budging.
Things this weekend won't help much, I have a school reunion that is taking up most of the day, then I need to catch up with the highlights of the tour de france (3 weeks of frantically trying to get hubbys attention from now on) we were there around this time last year in our matching t-shirts and caps and even matching bags, bless!!!
We had some fun last year trying to get good pictures of the riders

Then started taking video shots instead

Then Sunday morning me and my other gorgeous nursies are doing Race for Life in Windsor



its our 4th year doing it now and very proud of the fact, but hopefully we'll get around a wee bit faster than last year when even the photographer had gone home lol
and then with my aching limbs I will pull myself to the pub for my leaving do :(. Its a hard life but someone has to do it but .................................. it also means that NO packing will get done.
I can't believe its less than a week now until the big M, but although we aren't moved yet the broadband and phone line are organised !!!


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