Monday, 4 July 2011

Bricks and mortar make a house, but the laughter of children makes a home. Irish Proverb

Goodness knows what happened to me today but here I am at the crack of dawn (or rather I was because obviously i'm now typing on the keyboard) packing. I have finally (hmmm) started clearing my huge amass of clothes :( and managed to fit (so far) all my clothes into one large chest of drawers and no longer using the space in hubsters chest of drawers (ok there is a reason why?) as baby now needs the space lol.

So last night that's all we were doing and now the bedroom looks like a mini tornado has hit it!! I also (you'll be impressed now) have taken down all my nets and now need to put up the landlords threadbare nets instead (at least it won't feel like our house anymore). Very impressed with ebay but probably not when we get our bill for using them. Our fridge/freezer sold for £200 :) and our table and chairs for £65 :( (ok maybe not so good but the price for the fridge was good).  My records are going :(, nursing books going :( in fact practically anything that isn't essential. I might keep the kids they make me laugh every now and again.

Starting to panic like mad that we need to get our move done in ONE trip and with ONE small van

 hmmmm, think we'll be driving down there with boxes on our laps. Luckily some friends have offered to put boxes in their garages if needs be (it probably will be the case, sorry ladies).

So living room is packed up, half of kitchen, might need the other half!!! Started on bedroom yesterday so might get that finished today and little mans bedroom well as he hadn't moved in yet that was one box and he's done.

Checklist : Hallway (amazing what you can store (hide) in a hallway.
Finish Kitchen (prob last day / night before)
Bedroom (today)
Kids bedroom (hiding from)
Daughters bedroom (really really hiding from)
Bathroom (easy peasy)
Garden (practically done)
Attic (hmmm)

So its not so bad!!!!

However still need to fit in, seeing hubbys' family before we leave, dinner at my parents, dinner and drinks with my friends, need to go to work to fill out leaving form and hand back uniform (hubby not happy with the handing back of the nurse uniform lol) and seeing hubbys kids and my older son phew before we leave (oh and the dreaded change of address things etc etc) phew!!!

Had a very busy weekend went to my old secondary school on Saturday. Bot did that bring back some old memories. Isn't it amazing how schools simply do not change even if it been 25 years (flippin heck i'm old). Corridors still the same, class rooms still the same in fact a lot of the teachers are still the same (no wonder they went on strike as they're not allowed to retire yet and  they must be at least 100 now!!). Saw an old teacher who is now the head and amazingly remembered me (no I wasn't that bad in school) and my sisters (one was bad, one was extremely good). We said are niceties and then me and the ladies proceeded out of the school (sorry no we didn't stay for the talk about the history of the school) and I heard a large shout of "SANDRA" yes I really was back in school.

Apparently the way we were walking the school was locked so we couldn't get out so the head who had the master keys let us out. Thank you sir!!!

That was then finished off we some very scrummy chips and possibly a few too many wines for lunchtime anyway. I then walked home in the bright midday sun (and I don't normally walk anywhere but couldn't get a signal on my phone for a hubby pick up lol). Ouch ouch, now my feet hurt from my not really worn in flip flops and I have race for life in the morning. Thought that through didn't I????

Race for Life day and I as previously said in my last blog I do this with 3 stunning ladies who I did my nurse training with and I love them to bits!!! We have decided to do this even when I move to Norfolk even doing it in Norfolk if the venue / time are right. Now last year I was 5 months pregnant so this time the expectation was that we would fly round the course, hasn't happened yet so not really expecting it to happen lol! But we made a cunning plan, normally there are 3 sections, runners, joggers and walkers. We ALWAYS end up on the back of the walkers and then stay at the back of the walkers. Last year even the photographer had gone home lol!! So our cunning plan was to head in with the joggers and for once be ahead of the walkers. Heading in with the runners would have been to obvious as we can't run for toffee!!!

And reader it flipping worked!!! We had the best time that we've had in the 4 years years we've been doing it. It was flipping brilliant to see walkers still on the first stretch when we were needing towards the finish.

Medals around the neck woo hoo!

 and our little goodie bag of a boiling HOT bottle of water, some pantyliners, toothpaste and a tea bag!!! Very useful and nourishing after a hard run (well we were in with the joggers so we can claim it) so it meant a mile long queue at the burger stand for a burger that was rubbish but tasted good at the time of absolute famish!!

Home for some Tour de France action with hubby and then a long long long hot soak in the bath bliss!!!

I decided to be clever and arrange my nursing leaving do that night too as I thought I had 3 of them only one came (not a genius at master plans lol). Beautiful night, loved seeing all the ladies and loved planning the amount of trips etc that we need to do to stay in touch. So hope we'll all never lose touch.

Had a crashing headache the next day though (yesterday) so only started the packing in the evening when i'd recovered. Must learn to do leaving do's after i've packed all the boxes maybe as an incentive???


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