Hubby had an interview first thing today and I had one at 11am which then turned into an informal chat (its the way I tell them lol) not sure the place is for me though :(. Stunning location, only 9 miles away and by that I mean country lane miles which takes an awful lot longer than normal miles. For example a nurses minute isn't really a normal minute, get my point??? So I was quite pleased to hear that hubby really liked his place and fingers crossed that they get in touch with him about it. A lot of the companies seem to be very family orientated and even weirder at every interview so far we've both been offered a cup of tea. With my last job
in the NHS I got a paper cup filled with water
Anyway got home a lot faster than it took to get to the interview, seem to manage to get lost in a shoe box around here. Its amazing how you take knowing one's surroundings for granted and then when you move to a new area it really hits you that you can make a 5 min journey into an hour just by turning left instead of right.
Sweltering day, so stripped off as soon as I got in into summer clothes rather than formal work attire and took the stroll with hubby to PO. On the way back we decided to finally pay the local pub a visit, hmmmm opening hours mon closed, t
Neighbours still not playing ball with us. But we received an invite for the Great Mouton street party in a couple of weeks time. Might renew our faith in our neighbours if we can meet some lovely ones. They are having a blind dinner and drink comp, karaoke and lots of street games
Must dash now as we have hoards of children descending on us tomorrow, they'll be a grand total of 10 of us in our teeny bungalow but i'm sure it'll be fun. Its my son's 20th birthday today so on Saturday we're going to celebrate and have a bbq and get the bouncy castle and games out and play play play, in fact they can do a rave this weekend and supply us with the music lol.
Dashing into Norwich tomorrow to show DD the sights well the ones i've found, but need to find chapelfields and check that out. Lots more shops, shame!!!!
Thats 2pm ish on the comment about the pub lol !!!