So its been a few days since the last blog because we've been galavanting back to London for the weekend and (must be getting into country mode ) 1: forgot laptop (so no blogs or doodling notes for my blog) 2: forgot my camera (that is UNHEARD OF) ever!!!
Saturday we took the long journey back to London to see our good friends celebrate 10 years of wedded bliss and get drunk, love them!!
Milk monster of course doesn't swear but DOES slap!
Luckily for us (being the good parent we are)
Anyway we'd arranged to meet up with the lovely people the next day for a picnic so all was not lost. Just needed the weather to be fab now really. It was a glorious day, set up our picnic area under the tree and awaited our friends. Apart from the brief intermission where a mum came over screaming and hitting a man for taking her child (and possibly his) to the dreaded (gulp) park.
Must interupt this blog briefly as i'm being disturbed by hubby who is sat next to me reading out a condom leaflet and all the different varieties and flavours available. He is getting excited, I am trying to work!!! ;p "Condom needs to be put on before contact with partners body" you think???? Hubby stop now!!!
And back to the park, lovely day, kids played brilliantly together, hide and seek always fun when mum can't find any of the kids because they are so good at hiding (and staying still) behind a tree. My beautiful friend sang some songs and it was probably very reminise of a coca cola advert, happy smiling people
(sorry hubby now discussing vibrating ring). Top tip of the day, never and I repeat never use a condom more than once lol!!!!
Back again, very sad goodbyes again, hope its not like this everytime i'll have a mini breakdown. Always surprised how the simple things in life (that don't cost any money) are alwasy the best times. We simply did have a fab time, picnic, laughing, singing well DD was singing (lol) sorry honey but the dogs
I cannot finish without saying how wonderful it is to spend the weekend at your parents home if you haven't spent that much time there since you were a kid. Can you make the tea, the lunch, a cooked breakfast and then there's the "I thought you'd come to see us not go out", "you have children now and should stay indoors" best one "shouldn't you wake up earlier in the morning" hmmm back to being a kid
Had to wait around on the Monday for my darling daughter to finish her last day at work. Saw hubbys nan and his aunt for a flying visit and milk monster made an impression again as ornaments and small items were very quickly moved out of his way, some not fast enough and the poor wooden elephant was the first casualy of many. Said goodbye to my parents again (see why this is getting so hard each time) car loaded up (again) full to the brim with things that we'd left for safe keeping. Off to get daughter, quite impressed with her staying power at her job and I think working has brought her out of her shell and ready to go to uni (again lol) in September. Anyway she's coming over for the week and i'm expecting the perfect child (sorry adult|) that my parents say she is (nope straight back to just being on the laptop, messy room, no chores being done etc etc lol). Drove home damn that m25
Its really shaping up to feeling like a proper base (can imagine our neighbours heads swiveling like the exorcist
Back home and once the boxes are unloaded, the mess falls upon the house once again. Milk monster now has a car and a house made out of boxes lol.
Tuesday the day of the interview at a Nursing home, the hard part finding the dreaded place when we don't even know how to get to the shops without getting lost lol! Get there by the skin of our teeth (which if you think about it, there actually is no skin on our teeth so thats one of the weirder sayings) and they weren't expecting me. Hmmmm!!!!
Apparently the lady who was due to interview me was off sick that day and the new manager was only to happy to interview (talk) to me for the next 2 hours. We spoke about men, divorce, kids, being happy, new relationships, horrible exes and YES I got the job after the 2 hours of grilling lol! CRB form filled out, just need to send them references and I should be good to start in 6 weeks time, perfect timing for my maternity leave finishing. Yay i'm going back to being a nurse.
Employment agencies are driving me mad now, as well as inundating you with phone calls about loads of possible jobs they also phone you to see how you are, good luck in the interview, do you know the way to go, how did you get on, is there anything else you need all separate phone calls of course. Interview was at 11am finish just after 1pm and hubby had an interview at 3pm in Norwich. Mad dash back home (yep got lost first, slight detour through Diss), change of clothes for hubby. Off to Norwich. My turn to walk around with the baby exploring whilst hubby smiles a lot and nods a lot for his interview. Found loads more shops and some great little shops tucked away behind shops
Hubby all finshed and has another interview set for tomorrow (today as I write) at 2.30pm after he has dashed over to his sisters' in Lincolnshire to pick up our bouncy castle business. Too close a call and he didn't have time to change just went straight to the interview in combat cargo shorts and a hoodie (you can see why our neighbours are wary of us) and thats when he swung back into the driveway today after all his escapades. Job front looking good for both of us though so thats one good thing.
Hubby dashed off again at 7 when he had footie training not so many people attended (apparently more of an every other week training) so he jogged around the park a few times before heading home. Bugger someone had hit his car in the car park
Speaking of that must big up Long Stratton Football Club
Oh well tomorrow is another day.
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