Went to work today to hand in my uniform and ID and got surprisingly sentimental. I even took a picture of the corridor I had walked down so often as a student nurse and then as a nurse. Popped into see the girls but ( if you're a nurse you'll understand this) everyones running around busy doing jobs and you just end up feeling like a spare part :( Leavers form filled out, HR woman very pleasant. Left with very fond memories of the place.
Hope the next place I work will be as enjoyable.
Busy packing for the rest of the day, felt utterly exhausted!! Got to a point when little milk monster kept taking out everything that i put into a box that he was swiftly sent to wear out his grandparents (which he did). I find it amazing that you can take loads of bags / boxes to the charity shop / dump and yet when you come back nothing seems to have been done / cleared.
Two words
Daughters room if you can call it that?????????????????/
Boxes, boxes and more boxes!!!!!
Went out (for a very much needed) girlie leaving do with 2 of my closest friends (one missing but still much loved) and it was as emotional as i'd been dreading. We've known each other now for 10/11 years since our boys all went to the same primary school, then proceeded to grow up together and form as close friendships as their mums had done.
We've been through almost every aspect of each others lives. They are the kind of friends that when you need them they don't ask why they are just there and I love them so much.
The dinner was nice but for some reason I couldn't eat (ok its kind of an obvious reason). Normal banter was made. usual photos taken.
But when we left the restaurant, I started taking pictures of the girls, the area, the car park and I started crying, then the girls started crying (lots of tears) and then there were 3 women standing in the middle of a car park crying like babies :(
I can't explain how much I will miss them. We drove home in silence apart from discreet little sobs.
Then one of my friends said " do you remember " OH NO (more tears) "when you asked me to come to the George Michael concert with you at Wembley?" (yep more tears as more memories were released) then no word of a lie George Michael came on the radio 'time can never mend the careless whispers of a GOOD friend' SERIOUSLY!!!!!
Then I was taken home the scenic way back past where our friendship had begun. Where the boys had started school at the age of 3. (sooooooooooooooooo many tears then).
Why am I leaving???????????????///
Got dropped off home with more hugs (and lots more tears).
I have been so lucky to have the friends I have and KNOW that this kind of friendship will never die. As well as seeing each other on a regular basis we will also start a savings jar each so that we can make an annual trip to a spa for a weekend together. Wonderful as with my nurses who as well as seeing on a regular basis (yes i'll still organise the nights out) we're also make the annual Race for Life event together and hopefully more of the nurses will join us. Until we're old and grey is our motto (ooops already are) older and greyer lol!
Tuesday :
Been hiding away today trying to pack, sort out, throw, organise etc etc (didn't even put my make up on) which meant that when I picked up my son from football everyone had to scream and run away in horror!!! !
Had an unexpected visit from one of my closest nursing pals with a new home card and some very lovely words and (yes) crying again.
So hoping I can get through this week!!
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