So after my little disheartened last blog, I've just been walking the dog again and a lady walked from her front drive over to us and declared how beautiful our dog is

and then said she'd seen me walking him a few times (hubby please take note in case you EVER declare again that I don't walk him) and she hadn't seen us before so had we just moved in to the road and I said yes. She said she'd moved in 23 years ago and after the first week burst into tears and when asked by a neighbour what was wrong she said she thought she'd made the biggest mistake of her life moving there :(.
I stepped back hesitantly but then she added that 23 years later she's loved every minute of living there and there is hardly ever any trouble and that soon i'd be happy there.
Can the woman see into my soul????
Anyone I thanked the woman and went on my way, but it did bring a smile to my face maybe it isn't so bad. Time to set some roots perhaps
Middle man is thoroughly enjoying his new school and the brand new set of friends he is collecting again. And hubby, me and little man went for a walk with the hairy one into the village honestly i'm going to give the hairy one a skinhead the amount of attention we get from having a stunning, beautiful and friendly to boot dog. It was a lovely day for a walk on Sunday so quite a few people out and quite a few pubs for a village green (lol) and so lots of ooohs and arrghs for how good looking our dog is, he carries on walking proudly whilst the 3 of us shuffle along behind the DOG GOD

The village itself is really pretty once your out and about in it, the most gorgeous little church tucked away in a nook
Ok hubby back from work, in the night garden is finished and dinner needs to get out of the oven so....
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