Blog 3 : Sunday 5th February 2012 - SNOW aka unloading entirely on own as snow has trapped all our willing helpers bar one. It was a LONG day.
Soooooooooooooooooooo at 8.30 on Sunday 5th February 2012 we went to bed after having spent most of the night on the road albeit at standstill.
At 10.15am we were woken by the persistent ringing of hubbys mobile, mine already having died the night before and as to the charger ??????????. I did have (or rather I thought I had) a good system that I put all the tings I needed like chargers and in my case my camera on the unit by the front door. But as the unit was one of the first things to be loaded onto the van, the indispensable items (who needs a kettle lol) had been thrown into a bag or a box and then thrown into the van in one of the numerous "lets fill this gap" spaces. I did worry never to be seen again, so I have no photos to document the chaos that ensued.
We woke with a start after missing what was to be the third call of the morning, deep sleep must have made us miss the first two. and we freaked, no one could help us, outside was covered in inches of snow and.........................the only person that actively tried to help us unload was a 15 month old who thought it was a great help to keep walking under the lorry which of course he could do and we could only look on and hope he would come out the other side.
and finally hubby answered his phone. His charger missing in the depths of the lorry too, see who needs hot drinks when a mobile phone is soooooooooooo obviously more important??????//
It was his brother who could help but wouldn't get to us for an hour. Ok kettle on, lets get started. So in the snow we started making the countless journeys from the back of the van to inside and vice versa.
The older boys busied themselves with taking garden things straight round to the garden and stopping off to play football briefly in the ankle deep snow
. Little man was taken aback by the pure white site in front of him (ok excluding the willis piles) don't EVER eat yellow snow and he refused to come outside, it was cold, it looked weird and to a little man whose last experience of snow was when he was barely a few weeks old this was too daunting a situation for him so he started to cry and cry and just wouldn't stop..................................
which of course mad the steps back to van that much harder with a baby hanging off your leg
and then hurrah hubbys brother arrived and I could deal with the baby and they could unload the heavy furniture, ie: a sofa to sit on would be nice by this time we were already edging towards the afternoon and the van needed to be back in Reading by 5pm (the emphasis had been put on BY). Now for those of you who don't know my husband you'll never find a sweeter, nicer person but chilled he is, in fact he is always in a permanent state of horizontal and anything that can be put of until the next day will and does, most often until the day/week after that. So he wasn't worried about the van, I was?? So I climbed up and pushed all the final boxes
to the front of the van and encouraged the lads to make a final push for the final hurdle. Hubby's phone had at this point also died so he couldn't call the company at 4.30(ish) he left after it taking almost as long to get out of the drive as it did onto the drive. I thanked hubbys brother for all of his help and I went back to the task of trying to unpack some of the boxes. Hubby came home at 7pm.....................with the van in tow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 It was shut (probably due to the snow who knows). The next day was Monday and hubby hadn't been able to get any time of work but he couldn't very well get to work in a 7.5 tonne truck so he stressed (for once) about having to call them as he's understandably worried about upsetting any employer from our past history.
We settled down, and hubby went out to get us a Chinese takeaway (forgetting that we are living in a village again) of course they were shut. So we cooked some pasta and opened up a very well needed bottle of red.
The day was finally over but looking around at the devastation around us and the mass of boxes that you needed to climb over to enter any room and I knew it would be a long time before we could fully relax.
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