Wednesday, 7 March 2012

100th Post - Celebration to ya, celebration to ya, celebration!!!

Well in order to mark my 100th Post of my blog and also because truthfully I have nothing to write, absolutely NOTHING, which is probably a good thing it means nothing bad has happened to me but it also means nothing good or eventful has happened either..

So in celebration of 100 posts i'm going back over my blog starting with my 1st blog to see where it all began, enjoy. Since deciding to move to the country, to leave the country, to move to the country (again) but more towny??? So has been a very very busy 11 months as you'll know.

So starting with 1st blog:
April 22nd 2011

Should I stay or should I go???

Every January 1st I decide to write a novel of my life, how many books have I wrote so far 0!!! What to write? Can I make it witty? or maybe just maybe I can start instead on April 22nd 2011 and write a blog. If anyone is interested they'll follow if not it'll be my therapy, truly truly needed.
I live in a very modest 3/4 bedroomed terraced house the /4 being that actually you can't fit a bed in it but it does have a door. Apparently I also live in the 2nd largest borough in London one which is in dire overpopulation and its rising on an over national average.
Now for the average person that wouldn't be too bad but we're no average family. Its a second marriage for myself and the hubster which gives us en masse 7 kids between us and we had our little milk monster last November. One living room, let me state that again one living room for all ten of us when we all happen to want to watch a movie together, fun normally for all of 15 minutes then someone gets too close to someone else and you've guessed it mass warfare.
So we've decided to live in the country and bake cakes, raise chickens, I might even join the WI :)
Criteria, cheap we have enough money to just cover 6 months rent while we find jobs.
Area: top spots right now, Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Herefordshire, Kent, Suffolk and East Anglia. Dorset was down until I found my dream barn conversion but .......... it had already gone and that it had a red flag for lack of affordable housing . Its amazing what you can find on the web now.
Need: 5 bedrooms for the 4 boys living with us. One space for storage for uni girl. A den for hubby to escape all the madness. A spare area for a sofa-bed for step-kids, parent, mother in law, family et all.
A nice sized living room to accommodate film viewing with just the one showing.
A largggggggggggggge kitchen / diner for all the cakes i'm going to be baking might also turn into the hubsters den as we are running out of space lol ;)
2+ bathrooms.
A really nice sized garden for all the toys that i'm sure milk monster will need.
Village location, need to be part of a community rather than a person that walks in their door shuts it and and has no idea who their neighbours are.
An ex wife who doesn't live round the corner would be a huge plus to the move source of many a row and you can't really blame the hubster for who he meets round at the shops when its me who sent he out to get my creme egg.
Phew I think that'll do for a first blog, tomorrow surfing the net.
Just previewed blog (luckily) as instead of writing hubster i'd wrote humpster possibly appropriate in his case but seriously unnecessary as his head is already slightly enlarged.
Tomorrow is another day.
Ta TA!


  1. Was unable to continue writing this blog as I couldn't escape the dreaded green border so part 2 coming up, although that will also have the background no doubt, but heigh ho lets try!!

  2. ps its not 05.57am but 13:58pm hmm!
