Wednesday, 7 March 2012

A great wind is blowing, and that gives you either imagination or a headache. Catherine the Great

So I don't know what happened to my last post but??????????????

As you can see from my first post I really didn't have a clue what we wanted to do, go to etc etc. It all seemed to be blind dreams so the very fact we managed to escape to the country (ok ok and then return) is an achievement in itself.

I can tell i'm not quite in the countryside anymore (ok not really at all) as i'm not calm in fact i'm highly strung up. I wake do chores, work on the shop (yes i'm still working on the shop) applying for nurse jobs (I have a body double don't you know) looking after demo man (job in itself) and moving the furniture around a 101 times a day

I recently watched the "I don't know how she does it" dvd and um SHE doesn't really do that much!! Sorry, she has a nanny for one, a hubby at her beck and call and she buys her pies from the shop as well as working obviously with the gorgeous Pierce Brosnan hard life! so I thought in the same way that people monitor their steps why not monitor what you do in your daily life. Only one day obviously otherwise it'll be a blog too far! But I haven't done it myself because (well seriously) who has time to write down every single thing you do??? Maybe a copywrite who follows you around might be the key!

Anyway so far - update hubby is happy at work but.......................... always a but with him bless him - its a long journey every day and he didn't really want to go back into the freight industry (scratching head furiously as I type) and when he starts on shifts he will always be working completely and utterly alone (that I understand how can you work 12 hour shifts without talking to another human other than Australians?)so possibly looking for another position for him but at least it helped us move closer back to friends and family. I still really need him to find the 4 on 4 off shifts purely so that I can resume my nursing career (well if you can call it that) spent most of it on courses or on maternity leave hmmm! I have been offered a bank position if I can find any id with my name and new address on for CRB check and also shortlisted for another vacancy but ................. i'm not sure they realise I want bank hours but we'll see. Hubby might get his dream after all and become a house husband.

although I have a feeling this picture doesn't indicate him right, he'd probably stop shaving as he's moaning about that too. Bless my little Victor.

Middle man is loving his new school. Older boy doing well with his home schooling but it must be boring his brains out, seriously I couldn't think of anything worse, EVER and I didn't particularly like school. Talking about school days there have been loads of issues in recent days over past arguments, tensions from the past etc etc. As I say it wasn't the best of times for me either but sometimes you have to be the grown up we are all in our 40's now and blimey if our kids still see us getting upset or angry over other people comments we don't stand a chance of teaching them the right skills to ignore certain behaviour.

House is all unpacked now and reasonably tidy you know what they say  or I was thinking of getting this fantastic doormat

Talking about hubby becoming a house husband at least it will be cheaper, I have so far purchased 10 dvds, 6 series dvds, 6 books and 2 cars and a house for little man. Hubby will just play championship manager, better start filling out those application forms.


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