Gosh no wonder the week has just flown by.
Firstly the kids, they are getting on really well at school. both have friends and have settled into their new lessons really really well, very impressed with both of them. Hubby is still applying and looking for jobs on a daily basis, although not helped by inept recruitment agencies that send him to the wrong place for an interview and to only find out that the job had already gone that morning!!! She's since phoned him again with an interview for next week as head of HR but she and the owner of the company are both concerned he might be over qualified for the job (hubby has NEVER worked in HR in his life) stone the crows. Sometimes its really painful. Bless his heart he is trying even harder now as I utterly am not enjoying my job and added to the fact that I find the company completely unsafe (but as a nurse am not allowed to divulge any further information) but I don't like it and I want out already ;-( . Might start doing a cheerleading
Added to the fact that still I seem to be able to get lost on even the simplest of journeys, one wrong turn and I seem to head miles away from where we live and see sites and places I had no idea were there, the other day I picked up the kids from school took the wrong country lane back home and an hour later (and one 8 year old snoring on the back seat) we finally found our way back home. Phew, its hard work, but although I keep saying it I will get myself a sat nav, especially with winter coming up. Brrrrrrr!!!!!!!
Little man has had croup bless him and has been quite poorly with it, hubby took him to doctors and although he had some meds a week later still isn't completely over it :-(.
I started my Avon round last week and this week and my first order has gone through, disappointed with the amount of notes saying don't leave a brochure here but I suppose it better than wasting my time trying to retrieve catalogues. If it wasn't for my good friend my order would have practically been zero :-(.
Moved my daughter (and flipping heck does she have a lot of stuff) into her house close to her university. Two of my close friends helped move her with the first load of stuff that she had left in their garage and then I came down on the Sunday to finish the job with all her items that were left at my mum and dads. Lots and lots of tears were shed again, thats the problem with only having one daughter who feels like your best friend and it feels like your right arm is being ripped out of the socket each and every time you say goodbye :-(.
Money aaaargh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now we really are struggling, have borrowed money off my 14 year old so there is enough money to cover our rent tomorrow. We haven't been to the shops in almost two weeks (world record for us), trying to stretch the food in ways we never realised we could. Petrol hmmmm not great when no public transport close by and we decided to live far from normality lol!! Oooops!!!:-(
On a brighter note I went back (I still say home) at the weekend and was shocked by the amount of traffic (or remembered the amount of traffic on a Monday morning) as we drove to Starbucks well a girl has to have her chai
Hubby is at football training at them moment he has a huge match on Sunday in fact it might be an all dayer as DS has a kick off at 10am and hubby kicks off at 1pm (same place luckily). Have become the ultimate in football widows lol!!!
Right I need to take some drastic action as I thought i'd cut my hair into a bob (again saving on costs) and it has now dried and um??????
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