I have a good life :-) just walked the dog round to the post office with the boys, discovered its really really hard to push a buggy whilst being pulled by a very very large soppy dog, in fact its impossible :(. But while we were out and yet again i'm out without a scrap of make up, and wearing trainers (shocking I know) but I broke my flip flops yesterday by trying to have a run with the dog. Sorry deviating, anyway we live surrounded by fields
, people now talk to us, many thanks to our dog lol and the house we live in is very pretty (bar the dog hairs now left).
BUT...............................................I miss my old life and right now I would give anything to turn back the 8 weeks and i'd be transported back to my old home and my friends and my life.
I wouldn't have disrupted the boys schooling and ruined their friendships and hubby would still have a job, albeit a rubbish night shift job that killed me (lol).
I think even harder than that is the realization that everyone else seems to be coping really well with the move, hubby loves the life and of course his veterans football team and his new friends. The boys seem to have settled really well and are both looking forward to starting school tomorrow. Older son even has a footie match tomorrow so our life is moving on.
BUT...............................these blues seem to have taken over me and I can't shake them no matter what. I start work tomorrow and the staff there seem to be lovely, I also have to start my Avon round
now as they are waiting for me to get back to them (oooops).
My daughter moves into her university flat on Saturday so on Sunday i'll be heading South to help her move and hopefully catch up with my girlies, not sure if that will help me or make me worst though :(.
I have a million and one things to do today and missing hubby loads as he has been staying in London doing a job for my dad, desperate for some cash to come in now as we've had tuna pasta 2 days in a row now!!
As for the dog hmmmmmmmmmmm, he is stunningly beautiful, doesn't bark and hates going out in the rain so in fact a real gem. BUT .................... he won't go in the garden on his own and so when you open the door for him and he just looks at you and then turns back round and goes to sleep what can you do?? Yesterday was our best day he wee'ed on the hallway floor, at 6am after (again) me opening the back door for him. He poo'ed on the hallway floor and after clearing away all the dinner dishes yesterday and we all went to bed he tipped up the bin and went through to get himself some dessert I guess
. A friend of mine put this on Facebook yesterday and it just seemed so apt.
But god he is lovely but so big and so in the way :).
Must get on and start getting ready for work tomorrow and boys ready for school tomorrow but also quite happy just lounging around!!
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