But he is stunning.
Hubby is over the moon, part and parcel of his mid life crisis methinks, coupled with his veterans football team!!!
We took Willis for a very very long walk and on said walk encountered a man who said that the field we were walking in was his ooops, turn back, spoke to two fellow dog walkers (prob meet half the village at this rate lol) explored a church yard, took a walk on a public footpath across a riggety old bridge (with a buggy I kid you not) and then into the field of dreams (for Willis anyway)
I have also discovered the art of walking in the countryside (finally)
Proper shoes!!!! - flip flops in nettles and thorns not good.
Baby needs a back carrier!!! - buggy is sooooo not terrain friendly.
Water lots of!!!!
Doggy bags lots of Again!!!
We have the worlds sweetest dog, not a single bark so far, we've come across cats, tractors and other dogs big and small, had no idea there was so many.
But by far the best part might be that my fittest might increase and he has a mighty pull!!!!
Despite making him a bed, he prefers Baby's play area (of course), has dropped his ball in the boys laps possibly about a 100 times now (hubby has since hidden the ball) and as I write all the men in my life are fast asleep.
Hubby possibly so he can be ready for his Vets footie match tomorrow and they are doing a photo shoot with all the new kit. Bless his excited little boots!! My son also has his football and training kit and first match in Scole on Wednesday, good luck boys !!!
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