Monday, 26 September 2011

An American Werewolf in Norfolk!!!


Hubby has just come back from walking the dog its 8.37pm and he swears he thinks there is something like the bodmin beast is out there.

We have noooooooooooooooooooo lights where we live and the only glimmer of any light is that of the pub and if someone hasn't shut there curtains in their house.

Hubby heard noises (again those flippin bushes/fields) then a thump thump thump

and he said whatever it was sounded like it was right beside him. Eeeeerie.

and now he's talking about an american werewolf in london (in particular the pub scene) At night hubby STAYS on the road.

So not only me that gets scared here then lol!!!!

I WANDERED lonely as a cloud
          That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
          When all at once I saw a crowd,
          A host, of golden daffodils;
          Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
          Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Well ish!!!!!!!!!!!

Took the dog out for a very very long walk yesterday in our closest field (that doesn't have anything growing in it) and I screamed when I saw a dead mouse, was terrified to walk under the electric pillons
 (probably can't hear them in the city as they are too high OR there is too much noise and they get drowned out) but I swear it was like the film "The Happening" 

freaked the living daylights out of me and THEN the wind started blowing and that is more like "Signs"
 and i'm not kidding. Because where we live NOONE would hear us scream

 and we walk a dog that is sooooooooooooooooo placid they would probably roll over for a tummy tickle if they thought one of us was in danger.

So I ran (and trust me I don't run anywhere unless i'm being dragged by the dog) under the pillons, past the dead mouse. past the whistling fields aaaargh and back home hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!

Yes hubby does almost all of the walks with the dog normally.

But we did decide that I needed a drink (albeit a diet coke) at the local that we have thus far managed to avoid for the past (almost ) 3 months. Warm and inviting welcome???? 
NOPE :-( we had such high hopes,
 in fact most of our move to the bungalow was based on a pub being opposite oh well!!!

Mind you avoidance techniques are at a maximum right now as milk monster looks like he has done 4 rounds with Mike Tyson. Not being content with walking and running already milk monster has now taken to climbing up furniture, toys in fact anything he can find. This particular occasion its was his kids bench straight onto the top and then a nose dive down (he truly thought he could fly,
 telly has a lot to answer for)  
nothing we could do unless we too were primed with superman speed and agility.

Have spent the entire rest of the day collecting Avon catalogues, sorry please don't deliver again (26 of them), i'm allegic (2 of them) I already have an avon lady (1) and then but Wendy, but Elaine does Avon here!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmmm might not become a millionaire then lol!!!

And I feel sooooooooooooo flippin tired all the time, hubby and me literally fall into our bed and night and its lights out 

in fact yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn!!!


Wednesday, 21 September 2011

and the saga continues ....................................

Hubby has so far applied for 24 Royal Mail jobs now not to mention the countless others and we have come back full circle .................... with his considering working 4 shifts on 4 shifts off for his old firm in Heathrow :-(.

This will of course mean having a proper income coming in but being apart for half of the week all of the time. There are good points and bad points to that but i'm just focusing on the bad. You see since hubby and me have moved to the country we have settled into a routine of snuggles and dvd's (well mostly still 24 but we are almost at series 4 now lol0, wine (again mostly hubby) and scrummy crisps and chocolate.

Talking of which saw the nurse for our new patient check up today, hmmmmmm won't state my weight but its not good but saying that it is all good living :-) and I LOVE that we spend so much time together.

We've made the decision to sell Little Jumpers (hopefully we'll get a good price) as it really will only bring in money in the summer season and we've missed that, lol and really the capital needed to run and expand on this business is too much and it'll take years before we'd see an income.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo new venture (because there always is one with me and my overactive brain) i'm going to focus on the party side, ie filled party bags, balloons, banners, hen bags, xmas bags, halloween bags, wedding favours etc etc. Have started the ball rolling and our new domain is you may email us at (although goodness knows how i'll log in to that as i've no idea where in cyberspace it is). 

Avon is going ok, have been out and about delivering brochures again and finding out from one of my customers that another Avon lady is on my patch. Its the war of the Avon ladies ha ha.

I appear to only do my blog now when hubby is at his beloved vets footie training and bless him he looks so sweet with his chest all puffed out when he is playing liked a prized peacock 
shame they lost 7-2 last weekend :-(.

We did see the Tour of Britain though, 2 adults, one whinging 8 year old (when are they coming, can we leave now, i'm bored, my brain is dying) one whinging 10 month old (well nothing to say just whinging lol) and a whinging dog who really really didn't like getting wet in the downpour that happened just before the cyclists arrived lol but it was fab to see and brought us back to our pre wedding honeymoon when we went to see the Tour de France, happy days!!!!!

Oh well must get myself all organised for the opening of our online shop, just another ball to add to all the balls i'm juggling right now 

I also start properly on proper shifts as a nurse again next week, scared to death feel like i've been at home for far too long now even though it's only been a year.

Phew in fact i'm now, might have an early night before hubby comes homes ready for our episode of 24 lol!!!
