Boys all excited, swimming costumes packed check, is there a swimming pool uncheck!!
No food packed, always a shop on site again uncheck!!!
A park?? uncheck!!!
A club?? Bar?? Restaurant??? uncheck, uncheck ALL!!!!
aaaaargh it does however have a seaview and I guess thats what I saw when I saw the advert.
What was even worse was that we could only stay the 2 nights out of 4 as I booked the wrong dates (I know so not like me!!!) and booked out of the holidays. DS had an exam on the Tuesday so we were back before we'd even left..
I'm really pleased we went though as it reminded me just how far it is to travel to North Devon and to have been able to see the kids on a regular basis (mine, Jons, ours lol) it would have been near enough impossible.
After a 5 hour journey (one hour stuck not moving at all in Bristol) the boys were not interested in much at all but the sight of the sea from our caravan made everything worthwhile and we spent the rest of the day on the beach. We all got absolutely soaked when the sea decided to come play with us. You've never seen picnic blankets, shoes, clothes, socks, toys picked up so quickly. Luckily hubby grabbed the baby lol!!
Had a fab fish and chip supper and went to sleep ultra early (no club) and woke the next day to clouds, rain, freezin temperatures. Luckily DS1 had brought his Uno with him yay!!! However DS3 isn't best known for his patience with games especially when he doesn't win hmmmm. This'll be fun!!
Weather cleared after a while but sea was still in :(, nowhere to go and nothing to do. So rainmacs on (oh yes be didn't pack them lol) we went down to play a round of mini golf and yay I won!!!!
Next day already going home and yes you've guessed it the sun has come out.
It also appears that my baby weight has suddenly appeared and I can't do up my trousers aaargh!!!
This has probably not been the weekend of our dreams hey ho another one booked in August, but not here!!!
We got back to numerous phone calls requesting viewings on our house. Aaaargh major tidy, holiday bags hidden in wardrobes, run to the shops to get a few bits and bobs and CRUNCH hit a car.
Not my best moment in 20+ years in driving i've never hit something before. Other than a brief touch of a wing mirror ;P.
Also happened directly outside of our house to the neighbors car so no getting out of this one. Getting body-shop quotes now as I type :(. Another costly expense when we are trying desperately to save every penny for the move. When i'm on a roll, i'm on a roll lol!
Finally calmed down in time for 5 separate families viewing our house,
flowers were brought and candles were lit. Another viewing was today and estate agent confirmed that a deposit has been put down on the property but as yet no idea for their timescale. Would be helpful to us as it means whether we need to move in scarily 2 weeks or 6???
Just waiting for our boxes to arrive now so we can start packing!!!!
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