Monday, 20 June 2011

I predict a riot!!!!!!!

I predict a RIOT!!!! seems apt for Long Stratton if you've read any of my earlier blogs lol!

This blog has been compiled over the past couple / few traumatic daysL, if there is any kind of bad language, criticism over estate agents then I cannot be held responsible!!!!
After my last blog I thought what on earth could go wrong now????
Note to self don’t EVER ask yourself a question you don’t want a bad answer to!
It all started Friday morning (remembering from an earlier blog that we could get the keys to our new house on Saturday yippee) message left on answer phone can you call William H Brown estate Agents in Norwich, yes I am naming and shaming them but as long as we get a full refund on Monday morning I don’t care. As I’m typing this blog at the Travelodge at Norwich and unwilling to pay £5 for Wi-Fi it won’t go to print until Monday evening if not Tuesday. About to send Monday evening and still not received £1950 back yet!!!!!!

Complete detour sorry, Friday urgent call. Hubster called back as I didn’t like the sound of the word URGENT. WB does your wife’s guarantor own his own house (NO) hmmm that might pose a problem but we’ll get back to you. Hours passed. William H Brown agents in Norwich call back, right your guarantor didn’t sign the form can you get him to do it, if not the keys can’t get released. WTF!!!!!!

Manic calls to said guarantor as this is already 4pm on the Friday L aaargh. The form gets signed and on time. Phew!!! No more problems and we’re on the off again. I have actually played that down loads, no mention of the mini arguments it created between me and hubster, the moans groans and fear of the whole thing caving in on us and then some. Lots and lots of calls to the agents and the names we’re tempted to call the landlord.
Saturday morning and my little ones summer fete, hubster checks out the competition with our new venture oh blimey, haven’t mentioned our new venture yet.
As most of you know I’ve not been too well recently and which has led to a great amount of time in bed. Doing utterly nothing but feeling sorry for myself and our loss L so what better way to take your mind off things than to buy a bouncy castle business!!!!
It has actually been wonderful to not think about certain events and focus all your attention on the business and hopefully making it a success.   sorry have I already said that lol!!!!
So after the summer fete we had to drive up to Derby to collect our new business, very very excited.  And then we had another missed call from William H Brown estate agents in Norwich.  Can you call us back urgently?  Are you @*&?@$$£@@?(*&^ SERIOUS????????
So before we set off on our new venture our whole world caved in and in one single one call our house move to Long Stratton was over L.
And yet we still have to collect our business in Derby which we were then going to put in our new double garage in our new flaming house aaaargh!!!!!
 I need to send royalties to the woman in my scream pictures!!!!
What now????
Do we give up on the dream???
We have someone moving into our house in 3 weeks’ time???
Where the flaming heck do we put our business now. Our current house has NO storage facilities at all not even side access to get the castles into the back.
Still no one can say we don’t have gumption, no matter how many twists get dealt to us, we’re still here and still standing JUST!!!
Soooooooooooooo off on our trip to Derby running 2 hours late now but hardly surprising as we were slightly ever so slightly in shock.
We arrive in remarkable time and collect the entire contents of the man’s garage. Luckily there is only me, hubster, baby and little man makes 4 for this trip. However each and every each inch of the car was used to squeeze the 2 castles, numerous garden games (giant), mats, fans and then US! Squeezed underneath all the goodies of have I told you
However I must remember that as much as I keep advertising  we don’t actually have anywhere to live so don’t know where to market the business from L.
Our next plan was to drive to Lincolnshire to spend the night and then drive to Cambridgeshire to collect my other son who spent the weekend with his dad. Hmm now where in the car can we put him???? Had a very sleepless, restless night probably not helped by looking through the internet in the middle of the night trying to find somewhere to live.  Came up with a list of 4 properties for and around the Long Stratton area, no point looking elsewhere in Norfolk now as we have made lots of contacts hopefully friends already in the Long Stratton area. Also came up with a list of one property that we could move into possibly (if still available) in Hillingdon if we couldn’t find a suitable house in Norwich. Blimey what to do????
Have already made one appointment for the Monday morning in Great Moulton a small village just outside Long Stratton at 10am. Oldest son’s appointment with the senior school is 11.30 and younger son’s appointment with junior school at 1.30. Gives us an hour between 12.30-1.30 to try and make appointments to view the other three properties in Hapton, Bunwell and Tasburgh although we haven’t spoken to anyone about these so possibly pointless as may already have been let.
But the future possibly isn’t bright or we might need to compromise and move to a smaller property and get sorted for 6 months to a year and then move to a more suitable property.
After a very nice sleep hmmm, woke rather late and was greeted by a cooked breakfast courtesy of MIL. Very nice.  And an even better offer by hubsters sister to house our business in her garage for the time being until well, until we have somewhere to live and can store it. Let’s hope we get no bookings within the next couple of week’s lol.
Big bunch of virtual flowers on the way to a beautiful SIL for a massive help with the storage.
Luckily we can now collect my older son and be on our way to stay the night at the Travelodge in Norwich. Then and we most definitely DO NOT have the luck of the Irish, discover that we have no money in the bank, 2 very hungry boys for the nest 24 hours and petrol costs if we still want to make it back home.
Fliipin heck it never rains but it pours, so we have squeezed every last inch of money from our accounts to ensure we can eat and hopefully get back home.
Sitting here writing this in said (have to go and get boys bedding, get mugs, get more tea and coffee supplies but in the sale) Travelodge. I still have no idea of what we’re truly doing.
And might I say it’s a bit of a den of naughtiness if you stay for long enough by the window just peering at the world going by you realise and you see numerous couples arriving in separate  cars, greeting each other timidly with a hug and then vanishing. Where do they go????? And how can they get back so soon lol!!

Must have lots of business meetings on a Sunday afternoon.
Its also an incredible £2.20 for a packet of biscuits but you can buy 2 for £2 hmm lots of logic there methinks!!
Time to chill (slightly) and watch “when the earth stood still” with all my men, Hopefully get to sleep early and stay asleep through the night not always possible with a 7 month old but he’s normally good lol!
Tomorrow WILL be very busy!!

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