Still mustn't dwell on the past as the future looks like it has a smile on its face who am I kidding , roll on 2012 is all I say me and hubster have had more than our share of bad luck surely??? The tide must be turning soon but not soon enough :(.
Talking of bad luck hubster went for his job interview in Diss on Wednesday for his beloved postman job and ooops his blonde ditzy wife had sent him on a 200 miles road trip on the wrong day :( aaargh!!!
Soooooooooooooooo bless him following a night shift and only 2 hours sleep me, hubster and baby set off again for the interview. I'm only there in case hubster desperately needs his sleep and I can take over driving. How often does that happen in the real world??? Normally when coming back from the pub there are no arguments about who should be driving lol!
So beautiful man goes off (looking very dashing might I add) into his interview and me and baby explore Diss, very very pretty and people were really nice. Hubster calls me after just 10 mins??? Without our address in Long Stratton they won't see him or even consider him for the job, aaargh!!! Seriously someone should start doing a mini soap about our adventures because its never a dull day.
Anyway back into the normal world and hubster gets called into work early today, we are starting to worry as obviously i've been quite ill so he has taken some time off to be with me and hmmm instead of getting the sack or even a warning about time taken off he gets offered a supervisors position in his company. Seriously some people get all the luck so obviously the bad luck is on my side.
Luckily for me my good friend HG did a three card reading for me to see if NOW was the right time to make our move this is what she said.
- Honey, I hope you do not mind but I have done an oracle card reading for you myself I asked the question will the move work out as the right thing for you and the angels were definitely listening. the 3 card reading went... `````````````````` `LIFE PURPOSE - This card is saying you do not need to stress about finding your life purpose
- Sorry messed up as I was saying you should not worry about whether you are following the right path, just follow your natural desires and intuition it will lead you on the true path. 2nd card = ENTREPRENEUR - This tells me you are well suited to being self employed, you have the ideas, the drive and the self discipline to be an entrepreneur, the angels will guide and support you all along the way as long as you are following your own path. Card 3 = TIME TO GO - This card is the angels letting you know that you are doing the right thing by admitting to yourself that it is time to leave a place or situation and that you need to now let ago of any guilt or fear you are holding on to regarding this step and its effect on others. You are hesitating because of loyalties and fears, the angels are telling you to let these go as you are doing the right thing and everything you are going through is all part of your journey there. xxxxxxx
- So looks like the future might be looking up for me, well kind of someone else had to read my cards for me for them to be good, you don't want to know the kind of cards i've been pulling.Anyway i'm trying to be positive :) moving to Great Moulton hopefully on the 15th July as had the new buyers of our place come round today to say that they will be moving in on the 16th July hmmm!!!! But baby can stay with as he is soooooooooooooo cute, we'll be the homeless family down the road lol!Have finally started packing so every spare moment i'm trying to clear and pack at the same time, a feat in itself when you have a 7 month old crawling around everywhere and has just started standing in the middle of the room and then going OH S*** what do I do now and then falling with a bump on the floor. You have to love him but not getting a lot done!Right the weekend is planned, movies and packing, ha ha i'll be lucky!!!Next weekend is already booked with a school reunion on the Sat and then Race for Life on the Sun, maybe the new people will let me stay on to pack in my own sweet time lol!!
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