Promised my hubster that I would take a break from looking at / for houses for 24 hours as it seems to be getting me down :(.
Soooooooooooo every time he wasn't looking i'd flick quickly onto rightmove. But nothing really :(, new house near Holt in Norfolk although still mighty tempted to boycott that area forever due to their lack of customer service NO they haven't called us back in regard to our offer aaaargh!! :(
I have devised a new area in which Hubster would be able to get to Bristol for said work (although he is really enjoying the thought that one day he might become a postman) but at least the fall back option is there in case he doesn't get dream job with the Royal Mail.
I thought it would be easier to just have one (albeit largish) area to focus on.
So starting with Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, Dorset, Devon and North Cornwall told you it was a largish area lol!
Now requirements
Must be 4/5 bedroomed
Between £800-£900 rent
2 receptions would be nice.
Largish village / smallish town
Nice community spirit (ie websites saying they do quilt making etc) you can see another blog coming if I move i'm sure!!!
Must have a large garden plzzzzzzzzz soooooo many kids!!!!!
Oh yes, schools easy access if not walkable because trust me I need the exercise, then at least no more than 5 miles drive away.
In village would be nice if there is a grocers, pub (of course), newsagents/post office (ebay queen don't cha know lol) and hopefully schools at least primary. DS2 already walks 2 miles to school everyday.
Hubster wants anywhere but here!!!!!!
and a veterans football team plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Ignore the happy birthday picture, you can't find many images of old men playing football.
Interesting house has just come up in Devizes £800
Part of an old victorian boiler house, massive rooms but its the windows that are stunning!!!!!!!!!!!
and nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnope nothing else to show you lol!!!!
Having the weekend off from househunting to sort out the garden its amazing how housework and chores have taken a real backstep since we started looking for houses in fact the spider was asking for directions to the way out as they got lost in all the dust lol!!!
TTFN !!!
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