Every had one of those days when you just feel really really fat even if you aren’t??? I had one fo those days which resulted in eating EVEN more lol!! I know I’m going off the beaten track with this thread but aaargh!!! I’ve eaten so much today I should be looking for a field to live in rather than a house!
Nothing happened today, not on the Norfolk front or our house. No more viewings and I’m trying so hard to keep the house tidy but I have a six month old who thinks he’s a toddler, toys get pulled out of the toy box, skips everywhere and a mountain of dirty clothes (in fact make that a teenager).
Hubster has applied for his first job application, yay and guess what yes it’s for a postman. Bless him, fingers crossed he gets it as he seems so keen on doing this kind of work. He had to fill out a normal application form, then after answering normal interview questions as well as filling out the application, you’re then given 24 hours to complete 2 tests which are timed and can only be answered once. For the first time EVER hubster actually shooooed me out of a room as I was a distraction. Still in the honeymoon stages you see ;).
So nothing more to report. Got a text this evening from my guarantor saying forms have been filled out, income verified so that was really the final thing we were waiting for. So ………………………….
It looks like this blog will be changing to MOVED pretty soon.
Starting to feel a little bit peculiar, I truly have the best friends in the world and I will batter them over their heads IF they don’t come visit me and often. As of course I will them……..
Must have leaving party too, of course you can never take the party girl out of me lol!!!
Oh and must must must sort out schools aaargh!!!!
And more job applications for hubster xxx
utilities etc etc
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