Saturday, 21 May 2011

Green eyed Momster!!!

Two days off from blogging whats happening???? Well nothing its really a waiting game at the moment much like the wait that you get outside the ladies in a service station and never in the mens ???!!!????

 Desperate to know but being told to wait, wait, wait under well your bladder is full to bursting.
Our agents phoned up yesterday to check whether we still wanted to hand in our notice ( v  v confused head turn) YES. Then we had a double whammy when the landlord said that he would take a knock on the rent to keep us as tenants because he liked us OMG I didn't think nice people existed anymore, bless him. But as well as the knock on the rent do you think it would be pushing it too much to also ask for a conservatory and an extra bedroom? and put our house in a nicer area??? No even I wouldn't do that and we all know DH is too nice for charity in any form.
And then the biggest but, what about our move to the country????
Well to be fair moving to a place where there are schools, shops, a large supermarket and a leisure centre is hardly rural but we did have DCs to think about too.
I love FB found the manager of the under 14's at LS and became friends, DS can now go to training when we get there and hopefully

make some friends get off his Xbox and stop moaning about the move. Hubster can also go down to training for the vets team yay, but although he cycles almost 20 miles a day he seems to put more effort into kicking a ball and ends up in a heap lol!!!

Also starting to feel like an overbearing wife / mother which many of you would know i'm not (this is where you're meant to agree with me????) but better to have some areas of your life ready I think. Sourced out contacts for the children's centre for me and little milk monster and apparently there are cooking classes littler man can join (probably not so sure about that but he'd be up for cubs or something like that i'm sure lol).

Finally announced on FB that we are indeed expecting another little one, makes the big move ever more relevant before I have 2 little milk monsters ruling the roost. So predict seeing myself on supernanny!!!!

Had a wonderful tea with the ladies yesterday and was reminded on several occasions that once I move it won't happen anymore, my thanks to HG for the back up or rather being a good enough friend
 to not make me feel awful about the move. Leaving sooooooo many friends and my family is extremely hard  in fact it kills me and as my dad says (you'll be back in 2 months from missing us too much) very possibly but the new life / fresh start is so important to me and hubster that we have to give it a good try. And our GOOD friends will visit us and we will always visit them because to lose them in my life just wouldn't be acceptable, I love them tooooooo much. Family have no choice but to visit lol!!!

Although Hubster reminded me that actually we HAVEN'T actually got the house yet

I turned on Right move again (HUbster looks exasperated!!)  and I found a very sweet house in Suffolk in apparently a very old village 2 miles from the sea :) it has an excellent write up by an american gentleman.

I'm a townie by nature I suppose. Apart from the first three years of my life, I have always lived in towns and cities. Occasionally while out cycling I will pass through a village and think to myself ooh, this is nice, I could live here. But, as my wife needs often to remind me, the novelty of living in the countryside would probably wear off after the first eighteen hours or so.And in any case, the Suffolk countryside is today being bled to death. Post Offices, shops and pubs close, house prices outstrip the means of locals, dairy farms succumb to housing land profiteers, children are bused to school in the nearest town, and the jobs on the land evaporate as the big supermarkets squeeze the life out of rural England. Once, not so long ago, we weren't just consumers. We used to make things, not just in big factories in the cities, but in small workshops in villages. And we used to buy and sell our local produce in our villages rather than driving weekly to a massive Tesco store ten miles away.

We had a sense of community and interdependence. Now, we have broadband: while her husband is something in the City, a London designer can sequester herself in her remote Suffolk second home and conference-call her clients in the States, while her children downstairs are groomed by dangerous strangers in chatrooms and on Facebook without ever meeting any of the local kids. Outside, the land owned by her husband's pension fund is rapaciously double-cropped by land agents using cheap migrant labour. The East Anglian countryside that I knew only thirty years ago has gone forever.
But there are still surviving communities in this holocaust, settlements with shops and pubs around a wide village green, where the lady in the post office still calls you dear and passes the time of day with you, even though there is a queue behind; villages where there is a café and a petrol pump and even a secondhand bookshop, and such a place is Westleton. It is my favourite village in all East Anglia, and if I am ever seized with the mad impulse to get away from the hectic dynamism of central Ipswich and head off to settle, and eventually to die, in quiet rural retirement, it would be Westleton to which I would choose to come.

Wow!!!! and then hubster shut my laptop, house search is over he states until the fat lady falls over and pleads for mercy, no I don't get it either?????

So I move back to LS lol and our new house. I have mentally arranged all the furniture now in the house and changed the boys bedrooms several times. I've even decided to put little fairy lights all around the gazebo so if we sat out there at night time it would be like millions of twinkling starts i'm such an old romantic ;). Must contact schools to get them ready for a September start and hopefully everything will go smotthly, well its my life your talking about so possibily not lol!!


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