I AM yes AM going through a mid life crisis, apart from the fact that on Thursday I turned 43 every more closer to 50 but I have the body of an 80 year old and one in not particularly good health. Yesterday I woke OK but within 5 minutes (after going to the window to look at the snow, that's another point isn't it spring???) my neck had a major spasm and I couldn't move for the rest of the day.

Stuck in bed, whilst the world goes on around me is no fun. If I didn't have the computer I don't know what i'd do and my little monster decided to destroy my computer last week so had to wait until Thursday (the laptop turned into my birthday present but seriously it was way overdue) to get back online and hence the wait for the blog. So Happy Birthday to me

apart from having a lovely dinner with my mum and dad and the unknown neighbour who stayed for the best part of an hour again due to the cold weather???? it was pretty much a normal day, didn't get spoiled, didn't go out, no more mad nights for me and only the one text. Woe is me you say!!
So we end up 43 and 3 days and i've hit my midlife crisis.

Do I want to get a motorbike and hit the open road do I heck as like i'd fall off!!
BUT!! I do now regret moving away from Norfolk, I miss the open countryside and the long walks, I have it in my head that if I hadn't moved back to city life and the stresses and strains of life i'd still be physically and mentally in a better way. So if any of you are still reading this and considering the move to the countryside

I say do it but stick at it because without a doubt the first year will be hard but after that it will get easier or so I was told my migrants to Norfolk after 3 years they stated though and for me missing my kids and family and friends were too much but since coming back everyone is so busy with their lives anyway how much do you truly see people in fact we had more visitors to our Norfolk home so hey ho!!

Feel another country move blog coming on if only I didn't feel like i'd break my kids hearts if I ever moved again maybe when they all go to UNI!!

but what if they never leave home???? Ponder that thought!!
But back to my midlife crisis after having the mother of all arguments with hubby last night, mostly I understand brought on by my tiredness of my illness and also being unable to sleep and then getting up at 5.30 in the morning to be greeted by no internet signal??

so I turned on a film, not much of a choice so I went for the newest one (unseen) Jane Fonda and a weird
cameo by Rosanna Arquette who ONLY dances trance like in the film!!!

but I loved the movie only helped further along when I realised JDM Jeffrey Dean Morgan to you and my screen hubby was in the film and not only in the film but I saw his bottom!! Tres plus point, but the moral of the film either get on with your life if its not working or change it. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo I want to be a HIPPIE I want to live and love in the open air

I can't make the world a better place but I can be a better person by trying! I once watched an episode of Knots Landing where Karen was talking to Gary (where are the rest of the seasons I only have 1 &2)
I've tried to load up the video but no such luck try this link
But this is her speech
I wanna be a Pollyanna. I don't want to look at the world through rose
colored glasses, I want the world to be rose colored. I want people to
be nice. People SHOULD be nice. Nice should be the norm. I hate it
that I can't trust anyone! I hate it that I can't put my daughter on
the front lawn by herself! I hate it that I have to lock my car, and
that I have to worry about an alarm system in my house and I can't send
cash in the mail! That's not the way it's supposed to be, Gary! I
liked being a Pollyanna, I WANT to be a Pollyanna!
I'm sure i've probably used that speech before too, I am over emotional these days aka Depressed and I have a tendency to cry over anything so newspapers, the news, crimewatch etc etc are all banned in my house not by me but by hubby who is concerned (probably quite rightly) about my mood or lack of!

so I want to be a HIPPIE and live, love and sing is that so wrong. I've even noticed that all the clothes I buy now (not that I go anywhere) are all bright or have flowers on them, gone is the staple of black and grey that used to vacate the wardrobe is this part of midlife?? Hubby came in during the film and I turned around and said to him I think i'll get some weed (for medicinal purposes of course :P) and I've never even smoked let alone let any kind of drug
my lips.

pass my lips. Do NOT worry I am not thinking of joining a commune or anything like that but I need to change my aura and quickly and if living in a world or happiness and crystals help then so be it!!

or I can go on a road trip with my besties might even pick up a Brad Pitt like
Thelma and Louise in fact might watch that now whilst the house is still quiet!!
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