After my joyous day when I thought I was getting better sadly I declined and my body failed me miserably, depression hit me like a thunderbolt and I (to be honest) didn't want or rather couldn't do anything.
I have been to see a Rheumatologist now and had 9 bottles yes 9
But I will try to do a little of my blog each day if only to keep my sanity away from watching almost 4 hours of JK today, save me save me!!
First step to recovery or acceptance possibly in my case a wee ditty I made (sorry only a few of the lines rhyme)
Do you smile and say you’re ok? Or do you tell the truth?
I wake with aches and pains every morning
If I climb up the stairs my knees hurt
If I drive the car my ankles hurt
I can't raise the phone to my ear as my elbow will hurt
I moan when getting dressed so quite often have jammie days
And if I dare attempt to walk my right hip will go
Typing will hurt my fingers soon so I’ll keep it brief
I sit as still as I possibly can in the hope that the pain
will lessen (it never does)
Sometimes its my right wrist with my left ankle
sometimes its my left elbow with my right knee
much like a game of twister (I’d win)
despite the rumours I DO want to work
I love my job and I love my patients .
I sit at home and watch rubbish telly all day, bliss you might
Not for me my brain is addled with the senseless nonsense
that is JK .
I am not lazy but have been reduced to a lazy life
I wish I could blog, or write my much awaited book but my
fingers ache and burn
Only my family know my true pain
I moan and I groan and I cry all the time
I shout and I accuse because of my own helplessness
My husband is patient and caring but in his tone I can now
hear resentment of a disease he can’t see
I have developed a skill in avoiding seeing friends
I want to see you to talk to you to be with you but my pain
is too much to bear
And I would want to sleep throughout most of our chat so I
don’t put you through that
So if you see me in the street please don’t ask “how are you”
because I may be tempted to tell the truth but most likely i'll say i'm fine!!!
This is supposed to be a poem (funny as well) but I failed
miserably sorry
TTFN her crankiness :)
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