I cannot believe the last time I wrote my blog was in October
:( time has been flying quite literally then as we appear to have Xmas firmly on the door.

So where I have I been???? Good question, working very very hard on the wards but then I appear to have aged almost overnight. It started with hip pain at the end of September following a flu virus (and I must admit to walking up and down the wards as if i'm in some kind of race so figured it was just me) but then continued to catch cold after cold after cold and obviously became very lethargic with it. The aging bit you say???
From my hip came my right shoulder and I continued working on the ward despite the obvious discomfort of the hip and shoulder pain which would strike when I was least expecting it. But on one particularly harrowing shift after 12 hours of a 13 hour shift of working in near constant pain, my body collapsed I threw up, started crying and literally couldn't stop.

That was 3 weeks ago and I haven't been able to get back to work since and it is only now that I have been put on sufficient pain relief that I feel able to even type on the computer, blog and use facebook again. So whats wrong with me at the moment we're not sure but its looking like osteoarthritus or reactive arthritis (hence the old person statement)

At a total count my aches and pains stretch to (in order of appearance) right hip, right shoulder, right elbow, right wrist, right knee, left elbow, in between shoulder blades below neck, left wrist, right big toe???, right ankle!!

I've now been signed off work for the next two weeks so into the New Year now in the hope that the meds will cope with the pain sufficiently for me to be able to return to work or consider the possibility that my nursing career is over, well one working on the wards anyway :(

So that my friends is where I have been for the last 3 months but i'm back and hopefully my wrist won't give way by the end of this blog.
So how is Christmas ? everything ready?? hmmm. Luckily for me (some might say) from my sick bed I have managed to buy all 8 children's Xmas gifts and stocking fillers and haven't brought a single item from a real shop, i'm all virtual don't you know!!

Food shopping not so clever as it seems to have to get your booking slot from September (2010 by the looks of it) so no shopping slots available until 27th December. Meant I had to visit the outside world and the crowds, in order to buy that turkey that no one likes, brussels that everyone hates and to be told half way round the shops by hubby if you see something you'd like for xmas from me pop it into the trolley. I'm in Morrisons??!!?? After spending every pain free moment ensuring all the kids and hubby have what they want for xmas disappointment hit me like a slap in the face when I realised that xmas day for me meant opening a cheese grater (oh well nothing new there lol)

And why is it that we all put so much into our trolleys at this time of year, if like us you're visiting people rather than the other way round so why do we get the crate of beer, cider, wine, fizzy drinks etc etc and no that isn't an open invitation. But looking in other peoples trolleys it seems to be the same story although they might actually have visitors, any one who steps over our threshold worry's about being attacked by the killer midget (no not the dog) the child.

. Little man recently started at pre school (might say a tad early but we say heavens thank you) and he is loving every minute although the staff seem to be ageing somewhat in the brief 5 weeks he's been there (lol). Our Christmas tree is up and looking all festive

and little man has taken a keen interest in it and in pulling the baubles off with such force it leaves just the brass bit on the end with a bit of string so scraggy is a more apt description of our tree now

although maybe not this bad.
Well I want to wish EVERYONE a wonderful christmas, tis the season to be jolly :) and I have big plans for the blog in 2013.
I am trying out the anti aging bible (ha ha if it could work on my bones and joints or else i'll look like the youngest bent over oap possible)

Heston's Fat Duck book expect culinary delights, I only really want the recipe for the nine layer chocolate gateau the BFG.

and you'll love my last book choice
How to make your marriage a success, poor hubby has been struggling with the moaning (in pain of course) me recently so time in 2013 to use a little of the old etiquette to woo my husband back we'll see how that goes.
But for Now adios and Have a wonderful Xmas!!

TTFN!!! see you in 2013!!!!
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