Narridge Yoonyun = major Norfolk employer
how're yer gettin arn buh = Norfolk greeting
hair = here (you'll like this one !!!)
bare = sold by the pint in Shicagooo's
is that roight? = comment to show attention being paid to speaker
Windam = small town south of Narridge (sensible abbreviation
of its proper name Wimundimundimundum)
Loose-tarfed = east coast fishing port
card = traditionally eaten battered, with chips, might well have been
caught off Loose-tarfed.
koodee = discount shop in St Stephens street
hum base = DIY shop (various sites)
fooze = electrical component on sale at hum base
fool = petrol or diesel
stoop ud = term applied to f**kwits
foo too = get these developed at Boots
sproight = fizzy lemon drink
boost = to brag
jargon = like running, but a little slower
I love it and when I head back South will start using them to see if anyone understands what i'm saying.
I've also found some fab road signs and sayings from Norfolk like i'd mentioned in my previous blog.
Got a bit of a shock when trying to find those pics as typed in NFN but ended up looking at images of the naturalist something of Netherlands and they have NO shame and with those bodies who would!!!!!!
Must get this book!!!!
Must dash little man is making strange noises, parents are waiting on the phone for me and hubby will be in dripping wet in a moment wanting a coffee after his vets football training, all in a normal day :)
Norfolk is a scary scary place indeed.