I had a look on google for a comical picture of a girl with purple hair and I discovered it was stated in chapter one of a Harry Potter book and this video came up (not so good but the girl actually does look like my daughter lol)
I wonder if thats what she does in her spare time now??????????????????////
Well we have settled into this carefree life with ease, we don't wake before 9 (bit of a problem tomorrow as I have an avon rep coming round at 9 to sign me up for my area lol), don't get dressed before 11 ok 12 and don't actually even know what the days are anymore. This will all end when the kids go back to school and we go back to work, but we can enjoy the good life whilst we can.
We were expecting the sky man to install our tv today between 12 -5 (see we had a reason to get dressed) but alas at 8.05pm as I write this he hadn't come but he did phone at 7.30 to say he can try and get to us Friday morning between 8-1 (double drat, 2 mornings having to wake early).
Hubby has been picking all the plums in the front garden and as we have so many he started trawling through the internet looking for plum jam recipes. Plan for him tomorrow to buy millions of bags of sugar to make his jam, when saying we haven't got any jars to store it in he said we have a few baby jars, bless him :).
We made some cup cakes today, soooooooooooooo not at the level of my sister yet but trying ;P.
and no they're not mine lol!!!!
Oh and back to the previous subject of hubby, he is at football training as I write but still moaning about his war wounds from his match on Sunday (and yes will load pictures as soon as I can). He got kicked in the cough cough and has stud marks at the top of his nether regions. Massive bruise on top part of thigh, he did make me take photographic evidence.
Oooops hubby back now, movie and wine time :)
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