Where has my blog been?? Where indeed?? I am full of nothingness ................

Perfect poem for my mood right now for the 4th time now my legs have simply stopped working, I've seen the GP but the only answer with them is to suggest more meds something I'm very reluctant to do so I struggle and shuffle and pretty soon will need walking aids but I'm a positive person blah blah who am I kidding? It is getting me down but .......................enough!
Talking about GP's whats better than one receptionist? Two receptionists :) Honestly I was the only person in the waiting room and its one of those big open waiting / reception areas so you can hear everything and they start talking about the new GP (happens to be the one I'm about to see for the first time) and its all the gossip about how the GP doesn't really want to be there, seems to be really miserable etc etc.
Now my NEW YEAR resolutions hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!
- Lose 2 stone -- by 1st July 2013 (not that I have anything planned then but won't be able to diet until then as we have 6 tins of chocs under the tree still), so 1st Feb to start diet 1 stone per 3 months should be do-able, shouldn't it???? This can still happen as obviously 1st Feb isn't yet :)
- Dye hair brunette / check and keep it like that without changing it back to blonde within a month, not something I have achieved since I was 18 and then I lasted oh 3 months as a brunette!! Ummmm already back to blonde (and i'll tell you how hard that was)
- Try and walk the dog once a day even if only small walk. struggling to walk so sadly NO
- Try and collect kids from school at least twice a week (I REALLY haven't left the house a lot in the last year). Same reason :(
- See family & friends more / and have a date night with hubby once a month. Have seen my friends for our lunch club date, seeing my old nurses tomorrow night for dinner and planning starbucks for next week sorry HUbs but I DO love you xx
- SAVE for a deposit on a house, we have 2 years for that and then where to go and the blog begins again lol. Um business is a bit slow well it is January :P
- Eat healthier!!!Ok for some reason my family ALL went to the pound shop and I am still working my way through a million Toblerones but I won't be defeated, although I did put some lettuce and tomato in my sandwich today :).
- Throw away / sell all rubbish piling up the house.Saying nothing!!
- Continue writing blog on a regular basis. Ta da :)
- Make a resolution to NOT make resolutions that are too easily broken.My new mantra but 2 out of 10 isn't bad for 17 days :).

This is how I ended up
When you're a child you want to be a mummy and push your dolly around in the pram all day long, changing nappies, feeding the baby etc basically you want to be a grown up
Do you remember in your teens you wanted to wear make up, meet boys, go to the pub (drink snakebite from a bottle shared by goodness knows how many people/ would never happen today or would it?)
My twenties were a mixture of being the doting wife and having two very small children to my late twenties being a single doting mum with two children and then having a mad fling with a drummer (still friends to this day so wasn't too bad). I absolutely loved having my children, being a young mum, even being a wife but people change I guess when you're that young. Heigh ho!! It was difficult money wise and we struggled.
Now my thirties became my twenties, I had great fun, I had my 4th child (I went briefly back to my ex when drummer romance ended) and had my precious birthday gift of a child but after a couple of years together we both knew it wouldn't work but brought a house I loved together and then lost it in the divorce which started the trillion house moves to which I am now known for. I met (what I thought) was the love of my life still refer to him as my Mr Big
I started nurse training when my little one was 3 and loved every minute, made the best friends EVER and didn't regret a moment.

Seeing these FAB girls tomorrow and can't wait.
My 40's hmmm not too much to say about that as ongoing but............ had my little man (5th child) got married to my beautiful man, graduated as a nurse (phew), started working at Mount Vernon Cancer centre (twice) loved that job and loved that place, if I ever went (could go) back to nursing it would only be back there, then the not so good, (lost 2 babies) and last year got Fibro (in fact could right a blog just about my 40's oh I am lol) but determined to still try and live as best I can and keep smiling ..................and blogging
Sorry did I not pre warn you this would be a mini history :P
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