Not, I'm seriously bored and my poor hair is suffering not actually just virtually as I can't raise my elbow to dye my hair so might need to (don't faint) go to the hairdressers for once to have it cut. In my head as everything is nowadays my hair has gone from bright blonde to bright red. Luckily as I can't get to the shops this hasn't happened yet as with all my well thought out plans its bound to look like this
So my diet we start again on Monday (tomorrow) as due to Pancake day and Valentines day and then the weekend I know I know we but we did do 6 days of the diet and I lost 6 lbs so very impressed although might have put that weight back on now. I was looking for the perfect valentines dinner and all of the supermarkets are doing the valentines meal deal etc etc, we ended up with a Chinese (which is also convenient with it being Chinese new year so combining the takeaway means less calories surely??) as when you look as hard as I did for the perfect meal you come up with little bits from different supermarkets and end up with zilch lol) and drum roll I am really into Heston Blumenthal restaurant the fat duck since seeing it on Masterchef and in particular the seven layer BFG. In Waitrose (not advertising honest guv) they are doing a
Gone are the days of hearts and flowers, going out to restaurants (did hubby ever take me out) according to him he didn't date me he just moved in (kind of true) oh to be romanced again.
I am a complete pain in the arse when it comes to buying presents for, hubby brought me a necklace for xmas but..............................................
So back to the diet as all of the ingredients are supplied its surprisingly easy to do, you can't cheat and try and add anything else and the fact you can still have fruit and veg as well is a huge plus. Obviously there is a downside thats the flatulence and next week I will need to issue warnings if people walk in the room!!!
I won't go on to much about the fact that i'm still in
Then I said to her about my pain relief as my meds are only just taking off the edge and she said "I could put you on morphine and it wouldn't do anything to relieve the pain because of where the pain is"
So a life of pain for me then, she said that it is looking more like Fibromyalgia
So from todays blog it going to be bright and breezy.
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