So what are my addiction, obviously as you all know I've been off work a fair while now and can't get out much I am queen of the pyjama look (poor hubby) so i'm on Facebook a lot not necessary always updating statuses etc etc but ............................................. playing these dreaded games on there (they actually help with the pain relief until I hit my wrist pain and then the games have to wait) but I seriously love them unless I can't get to the next level and then I get all competitive and getting angry with the screen.
CANDY CRUSH the game of many many levels or so i've been told, i'm stuck on Level 53 and will be for many a day at the moment chocolate keeps appearing and my reactions are a bit slow now so a timing part of the game is not ideal for me (lol), hence also why I can write my blog as i'd be playing otherwise and
PET RESCUE the game in which you rescue several pets from the blocks, easier on my wrist as I only need to press things with the one finger but once again stuck but hope to be on the next level. I am surprised to say i'm not the only one with this wee addiction as it seems that most of my FB friends are also in the same position. What did we do pre FB.
My next addiction whilst obviously parked on my bum is.......................housewives of.............
So i've started watching Housewives of Orange County and Housewives of Beverly Hills and I am hooked. They have both just finished and hold on while I scroll to see next weeks TV.........................................................................................Ok Monday looked good with both series still showing, they go back to back on ITV2, Tuesday just Beverly Hills is on and then Wednesday Atlanta. MMM a new set of women. So what is the Housewives if the title isn't obviously enough, its a reality documentary show about the lives of Housewives in an area. Apparently as i've only listed 3, there are Housewives of ....................OC, Beverly Hills (watched and waiting for next season) Atlanta (starting Wednesday) New York and New Jersey.
Housewives of OC
The Brunette at the back was Fallon on Dynasty.
The housewives of Beverly Hills
Ok where to start with this lot, lots of trivia
Dana - no nothing sorry
Brandi - model was married to Cole from Sunset Beach (remeber that??) until he went off with Leann Rimes.
Taylor - alleged abuse from husband who took his own life during season 2 (which i've just finished watching, not him taking his life but the season)
Adrienne - me and hubby (yes i've sucked him in) call them the bickertons and they are sooooooooo funnt to watch but hubby has given me a spoiler but looking them up (whilst he was at work tut tu) to tell me they had seperated :(.
Lisa - English bird - tres rich - played a starring part in "poison arrow" ABC will look it up on youtube.
Kyle and Kim - aunts to Paris and Nicky Hilton and child stars in their own right "escape to witch mountain" "little house on the prairie" etc etc
Camille - former playboy bummy and ex wife of Kelsey Grammer she was being filmed during the 1st season when he sent text saying he wanted a divorce. Nice!
You can see which series I like the best.
Now the rest I know nothing about and when I was googling info for my blog I came across the Atlanta housewives on the Ellen show.........................................can't wait to see them!!
and my last and final addiction (other than my obvious family and friends)
Which thanks to my friend (she knows who she is) I have managed to eat all 3 that she gave me the other day whilst writing this blog (good job hubby is at work or i'd have had to share).
Luckily for me and my fattening addiction they aren't here for much longer.
Well must go as my wrists hurt and it takes me a lot longer than you'd imagine to write my blog as i've come over all dyslexic and my words end up in a jumble and this is happening more and more.