Its also been good in how many people remember me and the welcome backs i've had from other members of staff so all in all i'm in a good place now all I have to combat are the long hours and not trying to sleep constantly on my days off lol!
Now what are the worse parts of starting a brand new job _ INDUCTION, a necessary tool for obvious reasons but mine was 45 miles away meaning a 90 mile round trip each day aaargh! I had since moving back and don't ask me how I managed it but I have avoided the M25 since the big SNOW last moving trip remember!!!!
So i'm reluctantly back on the M25 and singing along to the Bangles - Manic Monday very apt for the Monday and you have time to think instead of those brief trips to work, shops, school and think I did although I should consider getting a voice recorder because I come up with some great blog ideas and then obviously due to my middle age forget them by the time I ve parked up!
A Trucker's Life
They say to go one place but you
end up going further
They pay you for that place but
not the other.
The days are short the nights are
long and all I can do is sing myself
a song
I'm humming here and I'm
humming there its not helping I'm in despair.
I cant find that place I'm looking for its
pissing me off and I'm getting sore.
I'm tired, pissed, hungry too and nobody
wants to say hello or how do you do.
So I'm going to shut it down and wait
awhile then start again and go another mile.
when I find this place I'm going I'm gonna
drop this load and get back on the road.
Now I'm going home to see my wife and
say to hell with this truck drivers life.
Its amazing that some people dont actually understand for one [zb] minute what life is all about out there on the road driving somethign 60/65 feet long and 40/44 ton, most people just see us as a big smoke belching monster getting in their way and after reading the above it just makes you think .......... and pause for a moment.... about how crucial our life and work is doesnt it?.
I have to say i'd never thought about it before but you see this long line up of lorries driving in unison, all obviously going somewhere and we obviously not caring where they are going just as long as they don't get into our lane and yet without lorry drivers where would we be? Food for thought?
Also heard that on the radio on the way down on my next day of induction that Wokingham has become the best place in the UK to raise children etc etc
This was the Top 10
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