I had picked up the girls for our Starbucks and natter morning and had a wonderful albeit tearful time as one of my friends has been having a rather sad time and it breaks my heart to see it as you feel so useless in your advice or any help that you can offer as we all know that everyone grieves differently. She has recently lost her mum and then during that time she also lost her pregnancy and its heartbreaking to suffer two such big losses. But I like to think of the beautiful image of lovely little babies playing in gods garden because they were too precious for this earth!
So after my first friend staying in Uxbridge to start work, I dropped off my friend at her house but stayed a little longer as we were still chatting and chatting as women do! But I knew that hubby had to get to work so left my friend and made my way home, I think to myself now if only I'd have been 2 minutes earlier I wouldn't now be haunted by the images I was to come across.
being struck by car on pavement
Oct 5 2012 Story and video by Carl Gavaghan
A 65-year-old-man man is in a 'very serious' condition after he and his wife were hit by a vehicle which mounted the pavement in Long Lane Hillingdon today.
According to police the collision occurred at about 12.15pm. A spokesman said the car, driven by a woman, mounted the pavement and struck the husband and wife.
The man was taken to St May's Hospital in Paddington with serious head and chest injuries and according to a London Ambulance Services spokesman is in 'very serious' condition.
His wife, 64, was also taken to St Mary's Hospital suffering leg and head injuries and is said to be in a stable condition.
The driver of the car is assisting police enquiries at the scene and has not been arrested.
Paresh Risaradia owner of Hillingdon DIY, was working in his shop when the incident happened outside his store.
He said: "I did not see it but heard it. The car looks like it left the road and hit an elderly man and woman. The air ambulance came as it seemed they were very badly hurt."
I don't really want to say too much about it but as I was driving down Long Lane I saw 3 men run out of a shop and aggressively run across right in front of traffic. My first thoughts were that a robbery had taken place until I saw where they had run too and I saw two people lying still on the floor.
Adrenaline is a strange component, I didn't think just pulled my car over and ran to help. I immediately ran to the man in the road, he was conscious and trying to talk but had a huge head wound and blood was spilling from his mouth. An eye witness told me he had been flung into the air by a car that mounted the pavement were the couple were standing. I held his hand and told him to concentrate on breathing and not talking, his pulse was faint and I knew he needed help fast, some London Ambulanceman men were there and took over and I went over to the wife who was conscious again with a head wound but was able to talk so me and some hairdressers spoke to her to keep her in consciousness.
The funny thing about saying you're a nurse to people and then seeing a situation like that is really there's nothing you can do, you know you can move either of the people because of their head wounds and possible spine damage so its like to take an out of body experience were you're trying to help but other than keeping the woman warm and calling her son there was nothing else to do and its that helplessness i'm struggling with today.
I left (as hubby still had to get to work) when the paramedics arrived and they sealed off the road for the Air Ambulance. I walked into the front door, into hubby's arms and didn't stop crying even now I'm crying and you have to think about the emergency services that deal with and see situations like that everyday and I pray to god they both made it.
Hubby went to work and I left the little one asleep indoors with my oldest brother and went to collect my other son from school leaving early as we'd been sent a text from the school saying that due to the incident Long Lane was still shut 
so I heading round the diversion and then saw another RTA apparently this time involving a motorcyclist. Again I burst into tears, I seriously couldn't believe the day!!
Which has lead to today..................................
I recently read a book from the writer of Adrian Mole titled "The Woman that went to bed for a year"
Now none of the events have shocked me into staying in bed for a year but they did shock me into not wanting to leave the house today and possibly tomorrow.
So since waking this morning far too early 07:34 that's what happens with a 23 month old
I made the decision to see what its like to stay in bed for a day (can't really manage a year) and can't really manage to not leave the bedroom as with kids you still need to tend and fend and then get back into bed.
So what have I done so far its been 5 hours since I woke. Hmmm not a lot, I had to address a couple of parcels for the business from the bed (hubby handed the orders to me) . Answered some messages on EBay. Wrote on FaceBook. and watching Jeremey Kyle in the US 11:00,
always good to know the Americans are as bad as us when its comes to life!! and then I started to write my blog.........
Just finished watching Girlfriends 
what a great show to be part of interviewing loads of men and asking them out on dates??!!
12.05: I can hear little man with a screwdriver or spanner banging on a wall so time to make some lunch and get back into bed to watch Holiday Showdown or particular interest as they are going to Great Yarmouth....
Oldest boy has just come in asking for a purchase of an Microsoft XL 3000 headset with microphone
so he is now in charge of lunch and I am searching for the perfect headset for him within his budget of the used notes he's just handed me.
Ok that's brought and paid for, I always wonder why you would want to click on the link so that Facebook can see "I've just purchased" .
Washing, Cleaning, Tidying up we all now its needs to be done and sitting in bed I just know there is more to do for tomorrow can I last???
12:29 still watching Holiday Showdown
- Camper Van/Surfing in France versus Caravan in Great Yarmouth the latter of which I've done since a small child and into adulthood. Its even the place where I met my first husband and he left his telephone number on my car. Now what would life have been like if I hadn't called?? I wouldn't even think like that because as much as I can't stand the man and the way he treats the kids at the time he idolised me that obviously changed in the latter years and turned into brute male ego nastiness to the point where I had a police officer say to me I needed help as i'd been mentally abused for years. Must be key to why I am still so adamant about my individuality and obsession with being able to do things for myself. Gosh spending time in bed is giving me too much self analysis time lol
A friends of my daughters has just wrote on my FB stating that its strange that yesterday was such a bad day for so many people so......................... let see if that date has any relevance and if it does I should be able to get up lol!
NADA! I stay where I am!
13:16 bored!
13:25 watching the "Towering Inferno"
Gosh make you realise how OLD you really are when you see how old a film looks. Reminds me of Charlies Angels
I was an avid fan as a kid and so years later when I was a girl my mum brought me the box set on video
. I was soooooooooooooo excited saw the first episode and then by the second you're saying To yourself hmmm ok thats a bit silly, why are they doing that?? In the end I didn't watch the rest of the episodes but I prefer the good memories of them and then pay acting them with my friend Jenny.
13:31 bored again! Might not be so bad if hubby wasn't at work and we could catch up on watching the many programmes we record with the full intention of watching one day when we have a free minute, do we ever?
13:39 Towering Inferno has been turned off as has the telly, little man is now asleep thinking of joining him. Just briefly went onto www.mumsnet.com to see if there are any interesting converstions I can join
"I am having a baby in 3 days and have no idea of what to do with one?" Oh dear! This is the full question
We are expecting DC1 on Tuesday and are beside ourselves with excitement..and fear! None of our friends have babies, there are none in the family so I have no frame of reference whatsoever. I am spending nights lying awake with my head full of what are probably very stupid questions:
1) Should I take a cuddly toy for the baby to the hospital? Im thinking its not like it will be able to play with it- or will s/he? I have no idea.
2) when im on my own with the baby in the house, if I need a wee do I take the baby with me?!
1) Should I take a cuddly toy for the baby to the hospital? Im thinking its not like it will be able to play with it- or will s/he? I have no idea.
2) when im on my own with the baby in the house, if I need a wee do I take the baby with me?!
Next one!
Last weekend, DH went to the shop for some groceries and came home with a huge tin of chocolates, which he then revealed weren't for us at all but were for him to take to work for his birthday, which is in a few days' time.
(As an aside, I was pretty ill at the time with an infected insect bite which was threatening to turn into full-blown blood poisoning, so I did wonder whether he might pick me up a bar of chocolate or something to cheer me up, thought he probably wouldn't, then saw the tin, then had my hopes dashed again. A rollercoaster, I tell you.)
After DD pestered us almost to death, he then let us have two each and then another one each, after yet more pestering. I then said that he had to take them to work on the Monday as I could not spend a week in the house with DD being pestered for chocolates she couldn't have.
He has just revealed that he put them in his car on Monday but has since been snacking on them in his car on the way too and from work and has more or less eaten the lot
(He says he would have needed to buy cakes anyway, I reckon it's cakes OR chocolate but not both - AIBU on that too?)
(As an aside, I was pretty ill at the time with an infected insect bite which was threatening to turn into full-blown blood poisoning, so I did wonder whether he might pick me up a bar of chocolate or something to cheer me up, thought he probably wouldn't, then saw the tin, then had my hopes dashed again. A rollercoaster, I tell you.)
After DD pestered us almost to death, he then let us have two each and then another one each, after yet more pestering. I then said that he had to take them to work on the Monday as I could not spend a week in the house with DD being pestered for chocolates she couldn't have.
He has just revealed that he put them in his car on Monday but has since been snacking on them in his car on the way too and from work and has more or less eaten the lot
(He says he would have needed to buy cakes anyway, I reckon it's cakes OR chocolate but not both - AIBU on that too?)
Oh! The discussion from the women who have answered her were LEAVE the B***tard. Now if any men are reading my blog please just let me clarify how these women are feeling she's a women, feeling like crap and there are chocolates on offer for which she is forbidden NEVER ever play with a women's feelings and CHOC NEVER!!
AIBU to not understand tissues - Always make me feel a little queasy when I see them taking pride of place on coffee tables.
If you need to blow your nose, do you not just get a bit of loo roll? What's the advantage in spending what seems to be a disproportionately large amount of money on tissues?
If you need to blow your nose, do you not just get a bit of loo roll? What's the advantage in spending what seems to be a disproportionately large amount of money on tissues?
As a very experienced tissue user, I can tell you that loo roll is just not the same. It's made to disintegrate after use. A tissue does not do that. I very often have a runny nose (various allergies) and have tissues all over the house (other family members also suffer from the same). I hope that explanation is sufficient