So we started the new year in Uxbridge as you know me I had it in my head that I needed to see in the new year somewhere that I was happy. Where better then than at my mum and dads house. The kids didn't have their xboxs or tellies, no running back to their rooms and being anti social yay.
We played charades (and there were quite a few strange charades played out) , we played twister (again lots of strange moves), a bit of telly together, saw in the New Year with the London countdown and then went into the back garden to see the firework display done by the local cricket ground yearly.
Doors were opened FAST letting out 2011 and the New Year was welcomed very very welcomed. We did £10 of scratch cards and £10 on the lottery.
We won so perhaps 2012 will be a good year we had 2 lines with 3 numbers so £20 and then £1 on the scratch cards oh well possibly we'll never be millionaires then lol!!
Following on from my checklist I forgot my brand new, shiny red top that you're meant to spend the first day of the New Year in, luckily I was wearing the day before's red smelly old top (will it make a difference?? lol).
We drove back to Norfolk the very next day and it was just nice to be home. Personally I may have put too much on all of us for this year being better than last year. In fact the New Year (much as it was nice) was all emotionally draining. Imagine if you will a lady making every member of her family be happy and smiling even if they didn't want to :D.
I have spent the ENTIRE holidays looking at houses and its beginning to look like we might need to stay put for at least the coming year and a half. My oldest boy at home started doing his GCSE's this year and the trauma (he wants me to home school him if we move) of ensuring he gets good grades and if he doesn't it'll all be down to me is not enjoyable. So I also researched igcse's and distance learning gcse's at a cost of £375 per gcse hmmmm???
Yes we might be staying, he's happy where he is, seems to be doing well, has friends and disrupting that might be too much.
What to do, what to do????
Hubby starts his new job in a weeks time so (if) we were continuing with the house move / house search we would need to get on it sharpish but in our price range there's not much available unfortunately. Unless we want to live in Hayes, Slough, Bracknell, bad parts of High Wycombe and yes I have googled enough of chav towns to find out bad points, Aylesbury or heading into Milton Keynes none of which we would choose. Apologizes to anyone who lives in ANY of these places they are lovely really i'm sure but I'm too girly and want pretty places.
Living where we used to is FAR too expensive but if we wait a year perhaps we could come back.
But nice areas we seen (but go really quickly) are Stokenchurch, Penn, Longwick, Marlow, Ascot ok the latter we're slightly over budget BUT still cheaper than Uxbridge, go figure???
Those little gems are few and far between (albeit a very very long drive for hubby for his daily commute) but as he points out he works 4 days on 4 days off, and starts at 7 in the morning and finishes at 7 at night so, traffic should be at a minimum.
Ouch my head hurts, as i'm sure yours does reading this too!!!!
Hubby and I also celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary YAY!! and went out for a meal without any children, so could eat and talk and drink without a million and one interruptions lol.
Sheer bliss!!!
My next blog i'll upload some pictures of the houses we're interested in, some stunning finds and some right dives.
But for now I have children I need to collect from school.
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