Friday, 29 April 2011

Royal Wedding!

Nothing to report today far too busy dealing with a poorly little boy to think too much about houses. Although my alerts every day by 5 (no less) property web sites does make me curiously peer round to see if there are ANY new houses of any interest.

Have added 2 more properties to see on Tuesday hmmmm dh is wondering if we can see them all, last appointment at 2pm and still get back for his night shift at 6pm.

Talking of night shifts blimey its hard going :(. I've done them myself but not as a permanent job and 4th week in the tiredness is beginning to show with both of us. Normally hubster gets in around 5am when milk monster is getting up so we are like to ships that pass in the night.

Love, love love Saturday afternoon through to Tuesday afternoon though when I have hubster all to myself.

Really keen to move away just so I can have a normal life again, one in which i'm not constantly telling the kids to be quiet until about 11/12 when hubster wakes. Hasn't helped having Easter and all these bank holidays not to mention half term only around the corner. At least the kids are getting out and about more with me now (and early starts) just to keep hubster from waking.

Didn't find my invite to RW today so settled for watching it on tv with the kids instead me and DD crying as per usual, we are sooooooo soppy lol. So so lovely to see everyone out in London and celebrating though, gave you that real sense of community that has been missing in London for so long. Reminds me of the days when we did have street parties to celebrate the wedding of Princess Di to Charles and even further back to celebrate the golden jubilee (or something like that lol) good times. Yes I am that old!!!!!

Anyway house search on hold for now as we have numerous properties to see on Tuesday but hubster has also pencilled in one for the week after in Devon, where his heart really lies but worried about lack of jobs more in that area. 4 possibles in Somerset too and even looking in the Gloucestershire area as the job market seems to be quite good there and they have schools and hospitals called Sexey's pmsl.

Head still hurts but tomorrow is after all another day.

Ta ta.


  1. Hi, I'd like to wish you well with your search!

    I've lived in rural Suffolk almost all my life and love it here. If you pick the right area (not where the second homers go), then there are some real rental bargains to be had in some fantastic locations. Beware though that unless you have a really marketable skill (or are prepared to commute) the jobs here do not pay very much.

    I really hope that you find somewhere that you love - whether it's here or in Cornwall (where we go for our holidays!)

  2. Thanks chrisotherwise we've decided that if we move to Norfolk we'll holiday in Cornwall for 2 weeks of the year lol. Nice to see a comment from someone new I thought it was just friends and family reading my blog.
